Wednesday, January 15, 2014

E-2 Visa: A great alternative to EB-5

Today I met a gentleman from Canada. This middle-aged man has achieved success in a professional field. Its main task - to travel from Canada to the U.S. and back without encountering a "friendly-minded" frontier customs service (TCP).

Despite the fact that he can afford a $ 500,000 investment in EB -5 visa, we both decided that E -Visa the best fit for him.

For those who are not interested in permanent residence in the United States. For those who have children grew up and flew out of the parental nest. For those who just want to open a business and deal with it. Try E-2.
Approximately 57 countries in the world claim to E-2. Investment amount is proportional to the type of business in which the investment takes place. There is no "magic" amount when it comes to EB-5. However, the more you invest, the better.
Investments may be in new and in existing business, but you must own at least 50% of the business.
The process does not take long, and USCIS favor this type of visa.

Most likely, my client will invest in the franchise for the production of yogurt and fruit smoothies in South Florida, and is the perfect choice.

Today I met with a gentlemen from Canada. He is of middle age and has done very well in his professional life. His main goal is to travel to and from Canada to the US without the dealing with the "friendly" treatment by Customs and Border Protection (CBP). 

Although he can certainly afford the $ 500,000 USD EB-5 visa investment, we both decided that the E-Visa is his best choice.

For those not interested in permanent residency in the US For those who's children are grown up and have left the parental nest. For those who simply want to own their business and stay busy. Try the E-2. 
There are about 57 countries around the world that qualify for the E-2. The investment amount is proportionate to the type of business you are investing in. There is no "magic" number when it comes to the EB-5. However, the more you invest the better.
The investment can be in a new or existing business, but you must own at least 50% of the entity.
The process does not take a long time to finish and the USCIS looks very favorably on to this type of visa.

My client will most likely invest in a smoothie and soft served yogurt franchise in South Florida, which is an excellent choice.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Loan as a Source of EB-5 Investment Funds: Investors Get Creative виза инвестора в сша

Одним из наиболее важных аспектов процесса подачи заявлений на получение ЕВ-5 визы, является подбор источников инвестиционных средств. Другими словами, инвестор должен доказать, что инвестированные деньги получены законным способом. Будь то продажа собственности, наследство, продажа акций или других ценных бумаг, продажа драгоценных металлов или, возможно, деньги, полученные в результате выигрыша судебного иска, или в результате дарения: задача чиновника иммиграционной службы – убедиться, что судья USCIS четко понимает как, когда и где были получены деньги.
Недавно я заметил сдвиг в пользу использования заемной структуры, как способа инвестирования в ЕВ-5 визу. Как правило, клиенты из России и Африки начинают обращаться в свои финансовые учреждения для получения займа. В соответствии с USCIS, заем должен быть обеспечен личными средствами, чтобы судьи иммиграционной службы приняли положительное решение. Некоторые из моих клиентов использовали свой портфель акций или второй дом в качестве гарантии возврата займа. Некоторые даже закладывали свои собственные средства, которые находятся в банке, выдающем кредит, в качестве обеспечения кредита.
Да, правда состоит в том, что большинство финансовых учреждений взимают ежегодный сбор за такие услуги. Но в большинстве случаев кажется, что такие сборы представляют собой небольшую плату, по сравнению с расходами, связанными с ликвидацией активов и/или конвертацией иностранной валюты в доллары США для внесения инвестиций при подаче заявления на ЕВ-5. В конце концов, доллар США все еще является одной из самых сильных валют в мире, и не все инвесторы ЕВ-5 держат свои активы в долларах США.
Заем может быть именно то, что ищут многие потенциальные инвесторы!
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One of the most important aspects of the EB-5 visa application process is the sourcing of the investment funds. In other words, the investor must prove that the money invested was earned legally. Whether it is the sale of a property, inheritance, sale of stocks or any other securities, sale of precious metals, or perhaps money from a legal victory, or a gift: It is the job of the immigration attorney to make sure the USCIS adjudicator has a clear understanding of how, when, and where the money was made.
Recently I have been noticing a shift towards the use of the loan structure as a way of investing in the EB-5 visa. Mainly clients from Russia and Africa are starting to turn to their financial institutions for a loan. According to the USCIS, the loan must be collateralized with personal assets in order to be accepted by immigration adjudicators. I have seen some Clients use their stock portfolio or a second home to guarantee repayment on the loan. Some even pledge their own funds, which are held at the bank which is issuing the loan, as loan collateral. 
Yes it is true that most financial institutions will charge an annual fee for such a services. But in most case it seems that such fees are only a small price to pay in comparison to the expenses associated with liquidating assets and or converting foreign currency in to US dollars in order to make a qualifying EB-5 investment. After all, the US dollar is still one of the strongest currencies in the world and not all EB-5 investors hold their assets in US dollars. 
The way of the loan may be exactly what many potential investors have been searching for!